Heal Yourself.
Join the Community

An online membership where you can learn about your body and how to heal yourself. 

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We truly want to make things simple and empower you to heal yourself through our programs.

We’ve gathered all of our knowledge gained from working with professionals in all forms of care and we have pioneered a process to look, feel and move younger. We’ve documented this process and we’re ready to share it with you! This means you longer have to spend thousands of dollars on your health or have to rely on others to fix you. You can finally do it yourself. And, if you want to learn it so you can help others, this journey will guide you each step of the way. Below you will see some of the programs that are available with an online membership. Register below to get access today. 

1 Day Reset

The one day reset was designed to give you a quick taste of the fascial maneuvers and the basic philosophy of each maneuver. In this class, we will cover the following fascial maneuvers:

  • Knee Torque: to reduce knee tension
  • Ankle release: to increase ankle mobility
  • Hip Release: to reduce hip tension and realign your hips
  • Palate Swipe: to reduce head and pelvic floor tension
  • Totally Twisted: full body release
  • Anti-Gravity: full spinal decompression
  • Swinger: to open up the hips and shoulders
  • Pull Over: to open up the ribcage and lower back
  • Pretzel squat: for the hips
  • Peekaboo: for face symmetry and alignment

The 3 Day Reset was designed to help you start implementing the fascial maneuvers into your daily practice to see if you can and want to make a habit of it. It takes roughly three days to reset your basic stress cycle. In this class you will cover the following:

  • 15 Minute Stress Reset
  • Fundamental Laws of working with Fascia
  • Fascial Maneuver Pro Tips
  • Pain & the Brain
  • The body as a computer
  • Understanding trauma and how its held in the body
  • Understanding how gravity impacts the body


The 7 Day Reset was designed to prepare you for the 28 Day Life Reset and see if you are truly committed. Do you want to make fascial maneuvers a part of your daily practice? Now is your chance to go for it! In this class, we will cover the following:

  • 15 Minute Stress Reset
  • Fascial Maneuver: Organ Reset
  • Self-Care Mobility Masterclass
  • Trauma Reset
  • Fundamental Laws of the body
  • The Dehydration Dilemma and how to rehydrate
  • Is your food hurting you?
  • Take control of your digestion
  • What’s really going on when we are sick?
  • Cleaning your environment
  • One of the most POWERFUL mechanisms in the body


Are you ready to transform your life? Let’s go for it! In this class, we will cover the following:

  • Clean your environment and transition to Organic
  • Become self-aware and build strong habits to taking care of yourself
  • Release trauma and emotions from your body
  • Learn how privacy is a disease
  • Learn about digestive and hormonal issues and what to do about it
  • Learn which supplements you need to rebalance your body
  • Fascia Coffee and Full body Fascia Resets
  • Why we are so sick and what is stress?
  • Fasting and how it can impact health
  • Digestive Enzymes, Pre/Probiotics, pH balance, Epigenetics & Emotions
  • Advanced Fascial Maneuvers and Advanced Workshop


The LifeStyle Artist program is a self-paced program that guides you through movement, education, and self-reflection exercises to help you master your mind, body, emotions, and life. We dive deep into our core philosophies about fascia and the body as well as share previously recorded, exclusive content that will help you take your transformation to the next level.

Throughout this program you will have the chance to connect with members from our global community as well as learn how to embody a truly healthy lifestyle.

At the end of this program you will gain access to exclusive classes, workshops and retreats.


Join for free,

Or Choose to Become a Contributor

As part of our mission to inspire one billion people around the world to heal themselves we have created an app and programs which have been made free and accessible to all. For those that want to give back, we have created a contributor program to raise funds and grow. Become a contributor today and contribute what feels good to you.

Together, we can help people heal themselves. 

Please read the following guidelines before you begin.

This amazing community hardly needs guidelines because of the respect and kindness that is regularly shown in the interactions that take place here. But in order to safeguard this loving space we all have created together, it is important that we have clear guidelines in place. Please take a couple of minutes to read these guidelines.

We are here to connect, to share our stories and our experiences, and to learn from each other. We are here for the community. We all share this goal. We need your help to keep this community strong, safe and useful. These guidelines were created to ensure that together we’re creating a place that’s welcoming, inclusive, and valuable for everyone. With that in mind, we ask that you keep these principles in mind when you post.

1. Focus on knowledge sharing, not giving out medical advice unless you are a trained practitioner.

We want to foster an environment where healthy debate is encouraged and everyone is celebrated for sharing their questions, stories, and perspectives. Advice can often feel like there is only one way to do something and this can shut down conversation and make others with a different experience or different ideas feel minimized or on the outside. Our goal is to help each other with questions through the sharing of our personal experiences and encouragement.

2. Create a real profile

We want to build a safe, authentic and integral community. We ask all members put their First and Last name in their profile and highly encourage a profile picture – this allows us to build a deeper connection with you and keep our community safe.

3. Be respectful

Please be kind and constructive when you add a new post, ask a question, or comment on someone else’s contribution. We have a zero-tolerance for any bullying, fact checking, or shaming on this platform.

4. Provide Context

We love it when our members share links and resources. If you do, add some commentary or give us some context so that we can understand more about why you care about this particular topic or article and why you wanted to share it with us all. This is a place to share our stories and experiences. We love images that are connected to a personal story.

5. Honor direct message etiquette

Don’t jump right into sending direct messages to other Human Garage members. Be social and establish friendships in the main Human Garage space. Only use direct messages after a friendship is established between both parties or if invited by the other person to message them directly. Every Human Garage member reserves the right to not respond to a direct message. If someone doesn’t respond to a direct message or responds and says that they are not interested in a private conversation, let it go and don’t message them again.