Our mind is very powerful, but it can’t heal us entirely by itself. To really heal from trauma, it’s essential that we also move our body.
After years of practicing, perfecting, and teaching millions worldwide, we have found that Fascial Maneuvers can access your body’s stored trauma energy & allow you to finally release these stuck emotions that keep you in mental and physical dis-ease.
Stress and trauma become trapped in our organs and fascia
When we work on the fascia, people experience mental, emotional, and physical transformations.
It tends to show up as auto-immune diseases, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, cancer or other illnesses on the surface – Yet, often, these symptoms conceal deeper emotional wounds.
- Maybe you feel you didn’t meet your parents expectations
- Maybe something traumatic happened and you felt incapable of dealing with it
- Maybe you carry years of regret, shame, guilt, heartache or fear.
- Maybe you learned to hold back your emotions, as a defense mechanism against your environment & the people around you.
And we believe that releasing stress and trauma from the fascia allows the body the time and space it needs to heal.