The Value of Hiring a Coach

Coaching has become a multi-billion dollar industry… with good reason.

A coach is support, motivation, and accountability. A coach is years of experience and knowledge in the field you’re trying to expand upon. They’re your best friend, your go-to, your mentor in the space between your current understanding and desired level of competence in that field.
There are three main reasons most people never get started- or struggle to reach their goals once they have:
  1. Lack of knowledge
  2. Lack of discipline
  3. Lack of relational support
Studies have shown the probability of someone meeting a goal they’ve started upon increases 50-70% when they recruit the commitment or support of another person. Probability of success increases even higher to 95% when they schedule ongoing meetings with their partners to check in on their progress.

Yes, you can teach yourself.

You can learn all the hard lessons along the way, but when time is our most valuable asset, the investment it may take to close that gap provides tenfold returns.
Every single legitimate leader in their industry regularly invests time and money into their own coaches, mentors, support groups & course-work. This is because making big changes and expanding your knowledge and skill base takes support!
Regardless of what you’re trying to achieve or what industry you’re in, a coach is a valuable asset. Having someone in your corner to keep you accountable, help provide a plan of action, offer alternative perspectives, impose healthy pressure, and create a safe space is essentially a foolproof recipe for greatness. You simply need to be willing to do the work.
This is why The Gravity Collective has created the Elevate Coaching Program to support you through the 28 Day Reset. The Elevate community launches Wednesday, March 15th via Zoom at either 11:30 am or 7:30 pm. In the weekly calls, you’ll dive deeper into the program, integrate mindset work to go along with your physical changes, and learn how to apply the power of breath to your journey. You will also have space to share your experience and receive feedback. You can learn more about this program and enroll at:
The Gravity Collective wants you to succeed in completing Human Garage’s 28 Day Reset. We want you to get every ounce of growth and empowerment out of this experience to carry forward into the world and inspire others to do the same. We want you to heal yourself.
– Andi Salemi @andisalemi on Instagram