Tag Archives: lifestyle artist
From Fight or Flight to Enjoying Life
Frank van den Broek is a Lifestyle Artist and advocate for self-healing. He discovered Human
Overcoming Fear with Human Garage
Paula Sharpe is an artist and author, as well as one of Human Garage’s most
Defying the Odds: My Healing Journey with Lupus and Congestive Heart Failure
I wanted to share where my journey is at this point in my life. If
Before and After Fascial Maneuvers: Two Years Later
Sometimes people ask us how long it takes to heal or what the long-term effects
Manage Treatment Resistant Migraines Using Fascial Maneuvers
Treatment resistant migraines affect millions of people worldwide. I myself started experiencing the effects of
Transformations With Human Garage: A Collection of Testimonials
Read what people have to say about our life-changing reset programs and fascial maneuver philosophy.