Single vs. Partner Maneuvers


Human Garage’s mission is to empower people to heal themselves. But we also advocate for receiving help when you most need it! The fascial maneuvers developed from assisted table therapy at our original clinic. We now use partner maneuvers to help each other release fascial restrictions.


If you don’t believe in your body’s ability to heal itself, then it never will. What Human Garage observed during its clinical work is that when we rely on someone else to resolve our pain, we become dependent, giving up our personal power. Taking responsibility for the way we feel is a very important piece of the puzzle when it comes to transformational healing. Embracing the truth that we are capable of becoming our own practitioner sets us FREE.


Healing yourself is a journey. There are as many paths to healing as there are people on the face of the earth. Like any skill, learning how to work with your fascia takes time, practice, and support.

The truth that you are capable of healing yourself coexists with the truth that it’s okay to ask for help.

When you’re stuck in pain or dysfunction, it’s the right time to receive help. It’s hard to learn a new skill when you can’t focus outside of the pain you’re experiencing. It’s a beautiful thing to embrace your need for support- we can only cultivate and extend compassion if there is a need for it.

Partner maneuvers close the gap of experience is takes to become self-reliant. When you and another person work on each other, you’re not only accelerating your own unwinding process but learning how to work on fascia in a new way. Another body provides another frame of reference for your own independent practice.

Anyone can learn the fascial maneuvers and use them to help others, but there are a few things you should know first to help you along the way.


Partner maneuvers are much more effective if one or both parties already know how to perform fascial maneuvers. That’s because the ability to help yourself directly translates to your ability to help someone else with the same issue.

Intention is perhaps the most important part of helping someone else. Set the intention to connect with their fascia, not their muscles. Energy flows where intention goes, so focus on the fascia!


An energy exchange occurs during the partner maneuvers. You’re working on yourself as well as the other person, especially if you already have a strong connection.

Sometimes it’s hard to release trauma on your own, so having another person there to support you provides a sense of safety and helps you unlock more deeply held blockages (both physical and emotional.) The more points of contact you can make, the better. That’s why you’ll see up to three or four people working on one other person. More points of contact creates more security and stability in the body of the person receiving assistance, leading to greater release.

The main benefit to partner maneuvers is that you can go further along your journey, faster. Helping someone else is also an extremely rewarding feeling!

Here’s a step-by-step guide to performing the partner maneuvers:

When you’re further along in your fascial maneuvers practice and have more confidence and experience working on yourself and others, sometimes assisted maneuvers just happen naturally! Here’s a video of two members of the Human Garage team, Zary and Isabella, finding a flow together that just happened to be caught on camera:


There is an amplified exchange of energy between people who do maneuvers in a group setting. That why Human Garage hosts our Virtual Fascial Maneuver classes!

Setting a collective intention is more powerful than individual intention. Having many gathered together to serve the same purpose of releasing trauma and restriction from the body has shown incredible results for those who have attended our virtual classes and in-person retreats.

If you’re interested in signing up for the next class and experiencing the difference for yourself, register now!