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Just like animals, the human body has natural mechanisms to release stress after a traumatic event.
Where our methods as a Western culture have fallen short up till now is that most of us believe stress, trauma & emotions only affect the mind.
But that’s not the full story…
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Trapped emotions get embedded in our body, tissues, organs and fascia that cause mental and physical disease. Dis-Ease in the body.
When we deal with the body & mind, big, massive shifts occur in our overall well-being.
Through the Fascial Maneuvers we can tap into our emotions that have been trapped all over our bodies.
These trapped emotions might look like auto-immune diseases, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, cancer or other illnesses on the surface – but very often there’s more to it…
- Maybe you never felt good enough for your parents.
- Maybe something traumatic happened and you never worked through it.
- Maybe you learned to keep your emotions inside, as a defense mechanism against society.
These emotions & stress needs to find its way out of the body so that we can move back to equilibrium where we feel safe, loved & confident.
To feel like we are living life versus feeling trapped in a stressful life.
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In-Person events & why the body responds so powerfully when we move with other people.
To go through Trauma, to cry, and to express bottled up emotions the human body needs to feel safe.
Safe from being judged, criticized or shamed for allowing the body to move in ways that seem “unnatural” to the average person.
Potentially even look “scary”… But these movements are part of our nature. An incredible mechanism used by our bodies to recover from stress.
Thousands of people show up to these events and they all have the same – crystal clear – intention…
“It’s time for me to heal”
Nodules on her thyroid disappeared.
“To be in an environment with other people who are all working through trauma, is healing all of us.”
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Everyone you see around you, has the same intention as you.
They all have stuff they need to deal with. Thousands of people who went through similar extreme situations that have scarred and affected their lives.
All doing the same movements. At the exact same time. With the same goal.
This is safety.
Real community – like the one we have here – is safety.
Had pain after surgery.
“I’ve had so much relief”
Pain after surgery.
“I’ve had so much relief”
When you heal –
It helps others to heal too.
The more your body relaxes and let go of stress, the more you co-regulate those around you. Even though we aren’t aware of it – our nervous systems communicate with each other.
You can “feel” when some is stressed or relaxed… This is your nervous system communicating with mine.
Just imagine thousands of people doing this for a day. Letting go of fear, grief and shame to help each other heal from our past & present.
An immensely powerful force for healing Dis-Eases in the body.
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Get your tickets to Event #2 in Prague, CZ – Saturday 15 June
Join us for an unforgettable day of movement, connection, inspiration, and healing as we come together to feel experience the power of community for yourself.
The main event will be led by Human Garage founders, Garry Lineham, Cynthia Leavoy, Jason Van Blerk, and Aisha Rodrique.
It will be a packed day with movement, healing, and connection.
We’ll have Human Garage supplements & t-shirts (get more info here) along with various vendors, partners, and products that we use and love.
Secure your spot now for the experience of a lifetime! We can’t wait to move with you! Get your tickets & be part of history!
EVENT DETAILS Transforming Trauma – Prague, CZ
- Date: Saturday – June 15th, 2024
- Time: 9am to 3pm CEST
- Location: Ladronka Park, Prague, CZ
- Tickets: Adults: (18 and older) – $75 USD | Kids: (17 and under) – FREE
Cash tickets available at the door
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Why Should I Come?
Learn how to self-heal and release trauma
Why Join Us For The World Tour?
- Release stress, trauma, and emotions from your body.
- Learn more about the fascial maneuvers and how to heal yourself.
- Meet the founders of Human Garage & the entire Human Garage team
- Move and connect with like-minded people from all over the world.
What We Believe
Get a deeper insight into Human Garage
- We believe the body was designed to heal itself
- We believe toxic chemicals in our food and environment are a massive contributor to stress and disease
- We believe emotions impact the body
- Expressing thoughts, feelings, and emotions is necessary to live a healthy life
- Diagnosis and self-limiting labels are harmful
- Physical circumstances are a way to understand what is happening in the energetic world
- Dysfunction begins when there is a mismatch between the energetic and physical world