Restriction & tension in your Fascia can cause all of disease and disfunction

And you don’t need anyone to heal you. You can do it all by yourself.

Get access to our programs & Guides for free

& Minerals

Used by more than a million people worldwide to:

  • Identify persistent pain problems caused by disfunction in our Fascial system
  • Alleviate and often eliminate those pain problems using DIY maneuvers
  • Alleviate and often eliminate unbearable disease symptoms by understanding – why dis-ease is the result of our lifestyles and nothing to do with luck
  • Understand why disease is becoming more prominent in the world and a few things you can change today that will exponentially lower the chances of your body being in dis-EASE
  • Release past traumas & trapped emotions from our Fascial layers (Overlooked)
  • Destress our bodies in our day to day for better cognitive and motor function within as little as 15mins per day (even less)
  • Recover from long term injuries and constant niggles
  • Lose excess weight (some have lost over 100lbs by following the Human Garage philosophies)

This & more inside our Free-for-humanity Membership.

This & more inside our free-for-life membership where we guide you from disease & discomfort to connectedness and freedom all within 28 Days of videos, routines & resources.



This & more inside our free-for-life membership where we guide you from disease & discomfort to connectedness and freedom.


You can reset your life in as little as 28 Days.

Join our worldwide community and go through guided Self-help programs and talk to like-minded people on the same journey!

Get access to our programs for free

On a mission to inspire 1 Billion people to heal themselves

A revolutionary breakthrough understanding of how our bodies work

Explore the intricate relationship between Fascia and stress, and master Fascial Maneuvers to mitigate its impact, enhance resilience, and optimize your body’s natural responses.”

We’ve taught millions of people worldwide how they can heal themselves without sitting through hours of therapy or fancy gadgets or the latest scans. Every single course and piece of content is free. From total beginner to learning how to help others.

Stretch & Hydrate your Fascia

Your body is the healer, it just needs your assistance to get started. There’s no disease or discomfort that won’t get better in some capacity when implementing Fascial Maneuvers & Human Garage minerals.

Get access to our programs for free

Toxic chemicals & stress cause much more harm than you think

But nobody told you.

If your body is in stress – it’s not possible to heal.

We are going to take you out of stress by giving you all the right clues, but you are the one doing the work and figuring your body out. We created our programs so that you become your own healer. 

If your Fascia is tight & dehydrated your whole body becomes dysfunctional

When this happens for extended periods we become sick, constantly tired and in emotional & physical pain.

The cure is inside of you – now it’s all about radically shifting the behaviours that got you here.

Getting rid of the chemicals, taking the minerals and doing the maneuvers so that your body can return to its natural state where it can then heal any problem itself.

Fascial Maneuvers reduce 75% – 90% of stress in the body. It creates a flow within your fascia which removes the thing that’s making your disease worse. STRESS.

Getting rid of the chemicals, taking the minerals and doing the maneuvers so that your body can return to its natural state where it can then heal any problem itself.

Fascial Maneuvers is a movement philosophy that redefines they way we think about the body.

Getting rid of the chemicals, taking the minerals and doing the maneuvers so that your body can return to its natural state where it can then heal any problem itself.