Julie Ottoborgo


Buy tickets for Fascial Maneuvers Class with Lea (Montreal)

Fascial Maneuvers Experience

  • 28 Day Reset
  • Lifestyle Artist 1
  • Lifestyle Artist 2
  • In-person hands-on Workshops
  • Human Garage Volunteer Coach Program
  • Community Facilitator

Additional Areas of Expertise

  • RMT specializing in hands on Manual Therapies for over 3 decades
  • Combining experience and knowledge, intuition and hands skills from multiple fascial release modalities
    • Craniosacral,
    • Visceral manipulation,
    • Muscle energy technique,
    • Consegrity energy healing,
    • Gentle and very deep body work
    • Energetic body work


Julie supports people what want to take part in their own healing journey. Her history includes working with injuries & biomechanical issues, neurological pain and disability, autoimmune conditions and lifestyle modification. Julie gets most excited about working with people who are willing to take small steps each day to be their best version.


Core Teachings & Beliefs

  • You take back your power when you learn to heal yourself
  • You learn to listen to your body and give it what it needs
  • Doing fascial maneuvers and slowly changing lifestyle choices will support you on your healing journey, inspiring your transformation through energy in motion
  • We must get to the emotion to heal the physical
  • If we take care of ourselves first then we are capable of supporting the care of others If you push too hard, your body will push back at you
  • Everything that shows up in your body is for you
  • When you learn to love yourself and deepen the love for yourself You begin to operate on a different level
  • The stories in your head are there to support you to get into your heart and feel into your body to heal
  • Do some sort of exercise or movement that you love every day
  • Go outside and breath fresh air and walk on natural surfaces barefoot
  • Eat 80% of your diet 1 ingredient foods and the other 20% be healthful, playful and don’t stuff yourself!
  • Don’t care what anyone else thinks if YOU love it!!



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