Learn how to do assisted Hands-On Fascial Maneuvers

You’ve heard about Fascia –

You’ve seen the transformative effects of Fascia maneuvers across the world, on social media, or even in yourself…

And you want to be able to use these maneuvers to assist clients, friends, family, & community in their healing process.

This speaks volumes about your commitment to healing and we’re thrilled to welcome someone like you to an event like this, where we teach you the fundamentals of working with Fascia to heal the body.

An Introductory Hands-on Fascial Maneuvers workshop hosted by the founders of Human Garage 

8 June 2024 – Bratislava, Slovakia

Explore fascial maneuvers in our comprehensive workshop, where we’ll share our expertise through interactive discussions and hands-on training.

  • You’ll learn about the 5 fundamental laws of working with and reprogramming the fascia to reduce stress, release trauma and unwind tension
  • Dive into our perspectives on fascia and the body’s natural healing capabilities – it’s truly fascinating!

  • Do, learn & experience hands-on techniques for fascial release that directly address and release problem areas in the body.

  • Learn valuable self-care techniques that you can share with your clients/community to improve their results post receiving your treatment.

The goal for this workshop
is for you to walk away with as much transformative fascia insights as possible within a day.

Allowing formore direct interaction with us while you engage in receiving, assisting, and performing fascial maneuvers.

Frequently Asked Questions


In 2020,

We embarked on an intriguing journey known as ‘fascial maneuvers.’ Imagine a decade of clinical work alongside Olympic athletes, award-winning artists, and solution seekers.

Over 200,000 sessions later,

We delved deep into the human body. Initially, we believed fascia held the solution, but our efforts inadvertently exacerbated the issue.

The traditional approach was inconsistent. Effective for some yet failing for others. So, we hit the reset button.

Fresh perspectives emerged and we got new fascial insights. The results were astonishing.

Results that we had never seen before in a clinical setting.

We even applied these techniques to ourselves, undergoing a personal healing protocol. And now, fueled by our discoveries…

We’re passionate about sharing these transformative maneuvers with you in the Fascial Maneuvers Workshop on June 8th, 2024.


Well, there are a lot of reasons for this but here are some of the most important ones:

  1. It provides the body with additional stability and the capacity for internal rotation. This creates a sense of safety, allowing for internal fascial releases.
  2. When the body feels safe, the musculoskeletal system relaxes, and the perceived threat dissipates, allowing the fascia to open. We use 3 points of contact to create the sense of safety in the body, which we will teach you how to do this in the workshop.
  3. We’ve found that 1 session of assisted maneuvering is equivalent to a month of solo practice, emphasizing the importance of assistance.
Read ticket details here

Here is footage from the Practitioners Workshop In British Columbia, Canada 2022. 

Very similar to the one we will be presenting on the 8th of June in Bratislava Slovakia.

Read ticket details here

This workshop
is for you if:

  • You believe the body was designed to heal itself
  • You believe there is a missing link to human care
  • You are looking for new ways to help your clients/family/friends
  • You are looking for ways to transform your own body
  • You are interested in learning how to work with fascia
  • You want to partner in the care of your clients rather than being solely responsible for fixing them

On the day:

You will be covering the three aspects of evaluation, treatment, and movement.

More information about the workshop

  • Each working session is 90 minutes
  • Each participant will receive assist and perform treatment
  • Video of the work will be recorded, edited and provided back to the participants. (We reserve all of the rights for content)
  • DATE: 8 June 2024
  • TIME: 9:00am – 3:00pm CEST
  • LOCATION: LOFT Hotel Bratislava ** Štefánikova 4 811 05 Bratislava
  • COST: $325 USD

Please Note: Participants must be able to both deliver and receive work to have basic functional movement.

Prerequisite: Participants will be invited to follow and watch the 28-Day reset program content of Fascial maneuvers before the event.

Purchase your ticket here